Tuesday, 20 October 2009

User consultation of first design draft

24th September 2009 saw the launch of the consultation process to seek opinions on our first design brief. Our first group were the staff of the building who took the opportunity to comment on Rob's first, very detailed drawings, and some samples of glass art. The second wave of consultation will continue throughout October giving the team chance spend some time with all user groups, staff, clients and outside agencies who currently use the clinic. To date, the comments have been mostly favourable and constructive. We seem to have addressed all of the priority issues highlighted during our first wave of consultation. Positive remarks include :- - more ‘approachable reception.’ - seating to wait for taxi’s to stop them and the staff having to nip in and out. - very open feel to design. - like the idea of having technologies to play with they don’t seem so baffling then. - like the gallery idea- give something to look at. Additional ideas - a place to keep memories of people or mementos of people – perhaps by giving a donation to buy something little in memory of someone - a planting area / indoor garden

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